Melissa Grant
Melissa received her bachelor's degree from George Mason University in Music Education with a minor in Spanish and a Master’s degree from George Mason University and Shenandoah University. Melissa is currently teaching at Flint Hill Elementary School in Vienna, VA, and taught in Fairfax County schools for thirty-two years. Melissa holds multiple certifications in Orff, World Music Drumming, and Zumba. She was awarded teacher of the year in 2005 and music teacher of the year in 2006. She is also a recipient of the grant for the education recycle program from Annandale Community College where students created their own instruments and performed with them on the campus during the Earth Day celebration. Melissa feels that FCPS has provided countless resources and training for teachers to assist students in unveiling their multiple talents in the music classroom through POG, PBL, and creative and critical thinking skills.